Sunday, May 27, 2012

Quake Reveals Day of Jesus' Crucifixion

  • Researchers believe that Jesus, as described in the New Testament, was crucified on Friday April 3, 33 A.D.
  • Textual and geological clues, along with astronomical data, support the date.
  • Scientists acknowledge that natural events described in the Bible could be allegorical.
Geologists investigated the 4,000-year chronology of earthquake disturbances within the uppermost 19 feet of laminated sediment of the Dead Sea to determine the exact date of Jesus' crucifixion.
Jesus, as described in the New Testament, was most likely crucified on Friday April 3, 33 A.D.
The latest investigation, reported in the journal International Geology Review, focused on earthquake activity at the Dead Sea, located 13 miles from Jerusalem. The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 27, mentions that an earthquake coincided with the crucifixion:

“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open.”

To analyze earthquake activity in the region, geologist Jefferson Williams of Supersonic Geophysical and colleagues Markus Schwab and Achim Brauer of the German Research Center for Geosciences studied three cores from the beach of the Ein Gedi Spa adjacent to the Dead Sea.
Varves, which are annual layers of deposition in the sediments, reveal that at least two major earthquakes affected the core: a widespread earthquake in 31 B.C. and an early first century seismic event that happened sometime between 26 A.D. and 36 A.D.
The latter period occurred during “the years when Pontius Pilate was procurator of Judea and when the earthquake of the Gospel of Matthew is historically constrained,” Williams said.
"The day and date of the crucifixion (Good Friday) are known with a fair degree of precision," he said. But the year has been in question.
In terms of textual clues to the date of the crucifixion, Williams quoted a Nature paper authored by Colin Humphreys and Graeme Waddington. Williams summarized their work as follows:
  • All four gospels and Tacitus in Annals (XV,44) agree that the crucifixion occurred when Pontius Pilate was procurator of Judea from 26-36 AD.
  • All four gospels say the crucifixion occurred on a Friday.
  • All four gospels agree that Jesus died a few hours before the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath (nightfall on a Friday).
  • The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) indicate that Jesus died before nightfall on the 14th day of Nisan; right before the start of the Passover meal.
  • John’s gospel differs from the synoptics; apparently indicating that Jesus died before nightfall on the 15th day of Nisan.
When data about the Jewish calendar and astronomical calculations are factored in, a handful of possible dates result, with Friday April 3, 33 A.D. being the best match, according to the researchers.

In terms of the earthquake data alone, Williams and his team acknowledge that the seismic activity associated with the crucifixion could refer to “an earthquake that occurred sometime before or after the crucifixion and was in effect ‘borrowed’ by the author of the Gospel of Matthew, and a local earthquake between 26 and 36 A.D. that was sufficiently energetic to deform the sediments of Ein Gedi but not energetic enough to produce a still extant and extra-biblical historical record.”
“If the last possibility is true, this would mean that the report of an earthquake in the Gospel of Matthew is a type of allegory,” they write.
Williams is studying yet another possible natural happening associated with the crucifixion - darkness.
Three of the four canonical gospels report darkness from noon to 3 PM after the crucifixion. Such darkness could have been caused by a dust storm, he believes.
Williams is investigating if there are dust storm deposits in the sediments coincident with the early first century Jerusalem region earthquake.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nine Ways God Speaks to His People

Have you ever heard someone's testimony of how God has spoken in clear way in particular situation? You may always find few in every small group or church, who always have accounts of God's clear voice. Have you ever wonder how can God speak to everyone but you? Does God really speak? or is it mere emotion or feeling? Does he really communicate in clear (sometimes audible) voice? The answer is  of course "Yes". He does. So, what are the ways in which he speaks? Let us look at what bible says about the ways in which God speaks to his people.
  1. Through the Word of God (2 Tim 3:16, Psalm 119:11, 105): This is the most clear and effective way of God's communication with his people. If you want to know how things works perfectly, you need to read the manual. Bible is God's manual for his people. But as in case with other manuals, we often ignore Bible. How often do we try everything else, but his words?
  2. Through the inner still, small voice of Holy Spirit (Acts 11:12, Acts 13:2, Acts 16:6-7, 1 Kings 19:12, Isaiah 30:19-21)
  3. Through the advice and counsel of men and women of God (Prov 12:15)
  4. Through the Audible Voice of God (Acts 9:4-5)
  5. Through Dreams (Matthew 1:20-21) - There are many instances in the bible, when God clearly communicates through dreams.
  6. Through Visions (Acts 10:9-18)
  7. Through Angels (Luke 1: 26-38)  
  8. By circumstances: There is a danger though, letting mere circumstances run our lives, can be opening doors to Satan. So be wise with regards to your circumstances and expect God to speak to you through them.
  9. By Inner Conviction and Peace: It is similar to the inner still, small voice of holy spirit.  God can give you deep conviction and inner peace about something. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Jesus Heals at the Pool of Bethesda

John 5:1-15

Q. Where did the incident take place?
  • The Pool of Bethesda
  • Near sheep gate. Sheep gate was the gate used to bring sheep into the city to the temple for sacrifice. (Nehemiah 3:1)
  • The Bethesda pool has been discovered by archeologists in 1960s.
Q. What was the occasion?
  • Feast of Jews & Sabbath
  • Three feasts of Jews
    1. Feast of Passover & unleavened bread
    2. Feast of Pentecost
    3. Feast of tabernacles

Q. Why were there lot of disabled people near Bethesda pool?
  • Waiting for angel to come and stir waters. (Angels and Demons in the Bible)
  • It is common to hear about hot springs in which people got or claimed to get healed in ancient times. Even today, in many parts of the world, people go to some of these hot springs, which supposedly have healing power!
  • We are not sure exactly weather the pool water had some miraculous power.
  • John 5:4 (KJV) - "For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."
  • Note: Verse 4 is not included in the New International Version.  Some of the later found manuscripts do not contain this verse, so it has been left out in the later bible translation like NIV.
Q. What can you learn about the condition of the disabled man?
  • He was disabled for 38 years (older than Jesus)
  • He would have tried everything he could have.
  • There was nobody to help him (John 5:7) His family may have left him there.
  • He was lying there near Bethesda pool in a hope that some day he may get chance to be the first one to get into pool.
  • Persistent
  • He wanted to be well. But he could not do it by himself. He needed somebody's help.
  • He sincerely thought that if I can reach there at right time, I can be healed. The only problem was that he could not!
  • He did not even know who Jesus was. Jesus came up to him.
Q. What did Jesus ask him? And what was his reply?
  • It was a strange question -"Do you want to get well?" He had been there all these year desperately trying to be well. With this question, Jesus was offering him help. Perhaps, nobody would have asked him to help for years!
  • If I am to rephrase the man's answer in one sentence, it would be, "Yes, I want to be well, I just can't get there." Put yourself in his place - you may be desperately trying for physical or emotional healing, peace, joy, purpose, or any personal victory over temptation. Jesus asks us the same simple question!
Q. What was Jesus' reply?
  • "Get up, pick up your mat and walk." - You don't have to go there. Your healing is right here, right now. You don't have to wait for angel to come to the pool.
  • The man was instantly healed. (After suffering from it for 38 years)
Q. Why were Jews not happy?
  • The man was carrying his mat on sabbath. Pharisees and the teachers of the law had many laws regarding Sabbath about how much to walk or work on sabbath. (Bible study on Jesus Healing on Sabbath)
  • They were insensitive to the man who was healed after 38 years.
  • They cared about laws more than people. (People First!)
  • Think of a blind man get healed and in his joy, he may cross the road and the cop gives him ticket in spite of knowing that he was just healed!!!
Q. What can we learn from the fact that he did not even know Jesus?
  • He did not even know who healed him.
  • Can we say, that miracles are not always consequence of faith?
  • Jesus again found him, it is as if Jesus is literally pursuing him.
Q. Why did Jesus talk to him about sin? Where does sin come into picture? Do you think sickness is the result of sin?
  • He was physically healed, but he also needed spiritual healing.
  • I don't think, Jesus meant that his sickness or disability was the result of sin. Check out the surprisingly similar passage of healing blind man in John 9:1-12.
  • It was a reminder of much greater healing and change from inside. After all, what can be worst than 38 years of sickness?
  • Jesus also gave the similar command to the woman caught in the adultery in John 8: 1-11. (John 8:11)
  • The man took heed of Jesus' instruction, thus proclaiming boldly about Jesus healing him.
Bible Study Application:
You may be experiencing some sickness, disease, some hurt, pain for very long time. You may be struggling with some personal sin or weakness. And You may have tried everything in your power to get well. But you may have realized that you cannot do it on your own.
Jesus is asking the same question to you, "do you want to get well?"