For Christians, it can be difficult to know how to engage
in an uncivil culture and in an uncivil season. On the one hand we want to
stand boldly for truth, speaking prophetically to our culture and wisely
steward our rare gift of shaping our government. On the other, we're commanded
by Scripture to comport ourselves differently. So how do we do this? Here are
five principles from the Scripture that helps us adopt grace-filled attitudes
toward those with whom we vehemently disagree:
Your Neighbor As Yourself (Mark 12:31).
At the very least your political opponent, whether it's the President,
someone in the other party, your opinionated relative, or the blogger who has
it all wrong--that person is your neighbor. And we are to love our neighbors, not with a sort of grudging
foot-dragging love, but "as yourself." In other words, you are to
treat them with the same respect you would want to be treated. How does this
play out in the public square? Well I think it means we argue principles without making it personal. It means we
give them the benefit of the doubt. 1 Corinthians 13 says that one of the
definitions of love is that it "believes all things and hopes all
things." In other words, we can oppose someone politically without thinking they are part of some evil, Machiavellian
scheme to make our lives miserable.
Love Your
Enemies (Matthew 5:43-48).
I think viewing a political opponent
as an "enemy" might be too strong, but let's just assume that for a
moment, on the issues about which you care, he or she is your
enemy. For instance, I think it could be honestly said that most liberals are
adversaries of the pro-life position that I hold. So how does Jesus' words to
love them apply? Well, I'm suppose to love them with the fullest definition of
love. I can oppose what they stand for without ridiculing the person or mocking
them or their families. I love my political adversaries by speaking only what I
know to be true about them. I means I see any good and redeeming values in them
and pray for them.
the King (1 Peter 2:17).
Peter wrote these words to a church about to endure four decades of brutal
persecution at the hands of Roman oppressors. And yet Peter writes, "Show
proper respect to everyone, Fear God, Honor the
King." If this seems difficult to do under leaders who might oppose
biblical values, imagine how difficult it was for Christian citizens of Rome.
But it's made easier with the middle words of that phrase, "Fear
God." Romans 13 reminds us that nobody is in power except those God
anoints and puts in power. So, you can show proper respect to a political
adversary because you acknowledge the sovereignty of God and you affirm that
even your enemy was created in God's image. And therefore you can honor a political
leader because in doing so you're honoring the God who put him or her there. I
think the words, "respect" and "honor" give us a good grid
for how we should make political arguments. We can forcefully oppose unjust,
unwise, or unbiblical policies without resorting to name-calling, mockery, and
slander. In doing this, I think Christians set themselves apart. Think of men
like Nehemiah, Daniel, and Joseph who served wicked monarchs and still always
showed proper respect to the office.
for Your Leaders (1 Timothy 2:2).
There are not many specifics in the New Testament about Christian political
activism. I might point to Jesus's words in Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus prayer in
John 17 and Paul's appeal in Romans 10 for the necessity of Christians to shape culture at all levels (including political and
governmental). But the one very specific instruction regarding Christians and
their leaders is the command to pray for them. We Christians (myself the most
guilty) seem to have it backward. We treat activism as a necessity and prayer
for our leaders as an option. We should do both. We should pray and watch, pray and build, pray and act. But we must never diminish prayer. We
must pray for our President, our Congress, our Governors, our statehouses, our
mayors, our local leaders. Public service is a
difficult calling. I like what Max Lucado is doing this year to gather
Christians to pray during this election season.
with Grace (Colossians 4:6).
Paul writes to the church at Colosse, "Let your conversation be always full of grace." This verse really convicts me,
because I now that my speech is not always marked by grace. Especially in
election season. Especially when I'm all wound up with an opinion or idea about
someone with whom I disagree. But followers of Jesus should be marked by grace.
This means that what we post, what we say, what we discuss should run through
the prism of grace. How is graceful speech different than ordinary speech? It
flows from a heart humbled by God's forgiveness. It considers the human behind
the argument. It tries not to divide, but to unite. It grounds every argument
in the gospel story. Graceful speech doesn't post angry, half-truth, slanderous
opinions on Facebook. Graceful speech doesn't support distorted 30 second TV
ads. Graceful speech is open to new arguments, admits wrongs, and doesn't
assume that it's right all the time